Back to School

To go to school or not go to school…that is the question on every student, parent, teacher, school administrator, college professor, and board of trustees’ minds. The beginning of August is typically the beginning of school excitement. Back to school shopping commences and getting new schedules to find out which friends are in the same classes or who have the same lunch period. College students are making plans to move back to campus and what back to school activities are happening. Don’t forget about sports! Two days in the summer heat, cross country practice, band camps, and excitement for competition season.

However, this year is not typical. Since March, our kids and college students have not been in school due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the biggest question right now is…how are schools going to safely have students back on their campuses. Districts and administrators are working tirelessly to come up with plans A, B, C, and D to provide the safest and best school environment possible. As a parent and former teacher, I can only imagine the pressure and responsibility felt.

​So what do we do? We do what we have been doing all along. We come together and connect with one another to support each other in the decisions being made. Everyone has the opportunity to make their own decision for their child’s education setting for the Fall and what that will look like. Every family is different in what they can manage for the upcoming school year. Parents have to work. Some children have health issues that will make it hard for them to be in school. Some kiddos have learning styles where they need to be in a classroom with a teacher. There are those that participate in electives and extracurricular activities that need them to be on campus. We all have our own individual concerns and obstacles weighing in on this decision.

Fear seems to be the number one thing holding us back in making that decision or feeling stuck. It’s the fear of the unknown, will I make the right choice, what happens if I made the wrong choice? I’m here to tell you… YOU CAN NOT MAKE A WRONG CHOICE! You make the choice that is best for your family and kiddos. Also, I suggest not judging others for their choice, instead, support them and tell them GREAT JOB MAKING THAT TOUGH DECISION. Ask for help! I’m seeing so many neighborhood parent groups come together to create learning pods for when or if the kids are at home. This is giving working parents an alternative and kids still the opportunity to be in small social groups. No matter what I decide…I have to remember…I can adjust or change my mind at any time.

​As a parent, I have one in High School and the other headed off to finish their Senior year in college. To say the anxiety is high is an understatement. But, I’m staying present in the moment and encouraging them to still be excited about the new school year. Whether it’s a pandemic, do I take online classes or on the ground, or what do I wear for the first day of school (which for the college student is always the same); I choose how to tackle these life challenges and will support others as they do the same.


New Year, Authentically You.