Green Light Project ‘22

Photo Cred: OKC Gov

Fall is a great time to be aware of your mental health. The Green Shoe Foundation partners with NAMIOklahoma during the month of October to raise awareness of mental health by participating in Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW). MIAW was established by Congress in 1990 to educate Americans about mental illness. Join us this fall as we raise awareness by lighting up your porch or business with a green light bulb during October 2-8, 2022. Why green? Green is the international symbol for mental health awareness. It represents hope and support for those who struggle with their mental health.

Utilizing a green light may allow you to start a conversation with your neighbors or customers to create a safe space to discuss mental health. While many may not recognize the symptoms of mental health, there continues to be a stigma about mental health that may keep others from talking about their issues and finding the help they need. By raising awareness during MIAW, we hope to educate and create opportunities for safe discussions regarding one’s mental health. By shining a light on mental health, you are letting someone know they are not alone with their mental health struggles.

OKC Skydance Bridge will light up green to participate in MIAW on Wednesday, October 5th, 2022. NAMI will be present to provide support to anyone who would like to discuss mental health. This is a family-friendly event where everyone is welcome to bring a chair and hang out at Scissortail Park to commemorate this amazing cause.

We invite you to pick up a free green light bulb and a yard sign at several NAMI affiliates throughout the OKC metro, including here at The Green Shoe Foundation. There are also pickup locations for Tulsa, Norman, and Bartlesville. Visit NAMIOKlahoma for more pickup locations as well as find more resources for spreading awareness about mental health.

Be sure to spread awareness on social media by taking a picture of your green light and using the hashtag #NAMIOKGreenLight.


Mental Illness Awareness Week
