Preservation and Protection

I think we all agree our world looks dramatically different than it did a short few weeks ago. Individuals, whether in China, Italy, or Oklahoma City, have thoughts dominating their minds about this different world, and how is it impacting their lives. The daily patterns of our lives are driven by the need to keep ourselves safe, fear is dominating many of our lives. I would like you to consider that the emotion of fear also has gifts, those of preservation and protection. Our world needs protection and preservation I think you would agree, so how can we harness the gifts of fear to keep ourselves, our loved ones, and our world safe? I hope to help with some thoughts about letting our fear work for us and not against us at this time of heightened anxiety.

1. Knowing a new safety means we are having to make changes, some of those changes are what we consider to be drastic changes. Change, even a small change, can be difficult for some of us, some more difficult than for others I will add too. Small children thrive in consistency, as do some adults who experienced trauma in childhood. They don’t do well without knowing what is coming next. In our changing world, we don’t know what is going to happen, that is a given right now. We don’t know. And we know it is going to involve change. This Change might mean not having daily contact with people you love dearly, like your grandchildren for me, your social gatherings such as AA, or church, or the people you have been working with at your place of employment. The list of people we miss seeing is endless. However, the question is, How am I handling these changes, and how can I stay connected? The answer is to stay in contact the best way you can without the physical connection, through computer meetings, through your phone, email, face time, send videos of yourself, and STAY IN CONTACT at a distance. We can connect emotionally with others and not be in the same room with them. It’s vitally important to stay connected to others.

2. Keep your routines the same as much as possible, especially personal routines, bathing, hair care, getting out of your pajamas, and consistent hours of sleep (At the same hours previously)

3. Use healthy Boundaries: Protect yourselves physically and socially with the social distancing 6’ rule, go out only for needed items such as groceries or medicine, and protect yourselves from individuals who exhibit symptoms of illness. At Green Shoe, we teach and practice healthy boundaries, and this is a magnified use of the term boundaries. Boundaries protect and contain ourselves, how true regarding this viral outbreak so that the illness does not spread.

​4. You may have a fear of death at this time. Death is a given in this life as we are all human, and death has many unknowns as well. Spiritually stay connected with your own need for finding peace and solace and connection with your God. I choose to believe and have faith that God is Sovereign and He loves His world, including you and me and He is real and personal. I have never experienced before in my lifetime, such a unique opportunity to become more deeply aware of what is important in life. Becoming more aware of the importance of love and acceptance and nurturing of myself and others. Take time to reflect on what is important in your life. Talk about this with others who might have the wisdom you need at this time. Be open and receive help from others if you have questions about your beliefs and spirituality.

Reach out for help if you feel like you cannot handle your emotions in a safe and healthy way in this changing world we live in. We are all experiencing some fear and even sadness, anger, or any other emotion that you can imagine. You are human, and that is what humans do, they feel, which means you are alive. Tell someone that you love them today, even if you can’t hug them. I received a text from a very special person the other day who sent me a virtual hug, I appreciated it greatly. Do the same for someone else today!


Growing in Place


The Survival Brain