The Labyrinth Society: Learn about Labyrinths
The Labyrinth at The Green Shoe Foundation is an individually led experience in which one can utilize that walk for fun, for meditation, or just exploring part of the property here at The Green Shoe Foundation. I tend to encourage individuals to give themselves a good 30 minutes or so to explore the labyrinth so as to not feel rushed in the process of walking. The walk as meditation includes 3 parts: the walk inward, a pause in the center, and the journey back into the present. On the walk in, give yourself room to allow all parts of you that have something to say to share whatever that is. Just let your thoughts run their course while not trying to change or control them. Once you have allowed all the chatter to subside and you reach the center, be open to God, the universe, your higher power, or just be open to what you may need to become aware of in this moment.
On the journey back out we wander with a wonder of how to take this information and awareness back into our day to day lives. This is both a physical and mental exploration that allows us to connect beyond the messaging we may have received from others/society/culture about who we need to be and how we need to be. Sometimes people will walk directly to the center and spend time there first, while others may walk through the circuits to the center, spend time there and then leave. There is no right or wrong way to walk the labyrinth. You may find that as you walk a labyrinth the path moves close to the center and back out to the edge before reaching the center, sometimes feeling like you are close to the center only to realize you are only partway there. Similar to our own healing, it is a journey that looks different at different times. Join us at The Green Shoe Foundation for an opportunity to take a walk internally to explore how the relational traumas we experienced as children impact our relationships today, and an opportunity to heal those wounds and release emotional burdens we have carried into today.
Here is a useful resource for general information about labyrinths, guidance on using a labyrinth for a meditative or contemplative walk, and a link to a locator for finding labyrinths worldwide.